
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome: An Invitation to Communication and Collaboration

The genesis for this web log began from the realization that the best way to foster dialogue and promote collaboration is to share information within your learning community. While HACC's Teaching Technology Services (formerly Instructional Technology Center) has always promoted an environment of information sharing, it is always a good idea to find and use better, and additional, ways to share knowledge.

As technology specialists here at HACC, we routinely discuss and demonstrate communication and collaboration tools. So it makes sense to employ some of these tools within our own department. I have found producing a web log (a.k.a., "blogging") to be an effective tool in sharing ideas and generating thoughtful points of view.

This web log is provided not only for the HACC community, but is open to anyone participating in the learning profession. While its contents will focus more on Higher Education, it will also provide information useful in any learning environment.

I welcome your input and comments.

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